Revolutionary Virus Spreads further in Middle East and North Africa: Quarantine Impossible
By Faiz Ahmed Oakland University Tunisia’s revolution definitely seems to have sparked the massive revolutionary powder keg that was the Middle East and North Africa. Tunisia and Egypt’s focus is now shifting on Yemen, Bahrain, Morocco, Libya and Kuwait. In Bahrain, the Shia majority are calling for the abolishment of the Sunni monarchy which is a US ally, and is considered a buffer zone between the Middle East and Iran because of the US naval base there. The center of the revolt where all the protesters gather is Pearl Square. People from all walks of life have been protesting. However the government has been responding with tear gas and rubber bullets. The protesters are calling for a constitutional monarchy similar to that of UK and want the sham parliament dissolved. However, a part of the protesting group is calling for the entire dissolution of the monarchy altogether. The Saudi government has also pledged its undying support to the monarchy of Bahrain and has pr...