Pakistan’s Dismal Future, The Arab Spring and The State of Israel
By Faiz Ahmed
Oakland University
Rarely, has the world ever seen so many world changing and tumultuous events taking place in such a short period of time. From the start of the year 2011 the world has seen massive revolutions and protests across the globe especially in the Arab world however not limited to it.
Europe has had its own protests’, USA has had its protests, nuclear disasters and earthquakes in Japan, tornadoes in USA. This leads me to think, that we are living in monumental times when wars, revolutions, poverty and destitution and natural disasters are all coming about at the same time. All these are culminating at the same time. Is this all by chance or is the world, in its political, economic and in its cosmic and ultra cosmic realities shifting? Is the world reaching the climax of this era?
Last month, the USA, went into Pakistan and supposedly killed Osama Bin Laden, its arch nemesis.
In the eyes of the Pakistani people, the USA invaded Pakistan, killed an old man and dumped his body into the ocean.
Whether the man was Bin Laden or not, whether Bin Laden, who was the prime “SUSPECT” of the 911 atrocities was guilty of that monumental crime or not, the question to ask is what implication will this have on international politics.
Since the USA invaded Pakistan and killed a man inside Pakistani territory, the people of Pakistan have taken offence to their territorial sovereignty being compromised.
Having kept a keen eye out on the news, I think it would be safe to say, that the alleged killing of Bin Laden has brought a few political dividends to the world’s political elite, namely the USA, Israel and their allies.
First, it has lead to a hike in President Obama’s favorability in the USA. Second, it was a successful test run to see that if Pakistan were to ever fall into civil war, would it be easy for the US army or the UN army or NATO, to move in and dismantle or remove Pakistan’s nuclear weaponry.
The third political dividend is to get a civil war or a revolution started inside Pakistan, to create such conditions so as to justifiably invade Pakistan and do just that, that is, to remove or dismantle Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, of course for the safety of the ‘free’ world so that the weapons may not by any chance fall into the hands of the “islamist” revolutionaries.
A point to remember is that under Musharraf’s regime, the USA had agreed to help safeguard Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal.
Pakistan then having lost its nuclear arsenal, and in a moment of internal chaos, will be easy to break up into smaller states probably un.der the control of India. Part of Pakistan may assimilate into greater Afghanistan.
What consequence will this have on the Arab uprisings, and the Arab revolutionaries? Will they remain quite? Or will they try to organize and take on Israel.
Egypt has already opened up its borders to Gaza through the Rafah crossing. The Hamas and Fattah factions have united, along with the Palestinian people living inside of Israel’s territorial boundaries. The call for the third Intifada has gone out on facebook and every time facebook shuts the page down, five new ones pop up and get millions of supporters within hours.
American and Israeli allies in the region have lost their control over their own governments, Egypt, Jordan etc. Turkey which has traditionally been an ally of Israel has now allied itself with Iran. It must also be noted that Israel had sent in crowd control weaponry to Hosni Mubarak to try to quell the Egyptian uprising.
The world which has been pressurizing Israel by way of flotillas and United Nations resolutions, now is forcing Israel to accept a Palestinian state. The pressure on Israel is indeed rising not to mention that Israel is fast running out of water resources.
The USA is already involved in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and the US economy is collapsing because of excessive spending on the part of the Bush and Obama administration.
If the Arab youth, angered by the loss of the only Muslim nuclear power, try to take on Israel, backed by Iran and Turkey or if Israel starts something preemptively, it may usher a new and devastating war in which the Arabs being heavily under-armed will most likely loose.
The anger has also been building up because of the Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo scandals, Islamophobia, poverty, and occupation.
Professor Norman Finkelstein has been active in saying the Israel is preparing itself for a big war which may encompass the entire middle east.
Is this the near future, will the Arab world be transformed into a massive Gaza strip? If the USA enters into that war, what will happen to its economy? Will there be internal chaos in the USA at the hands of the Tea Party and the right wing militias? What will be the fate of the minorities living in the USA is such a time of chaos? Just like how in WW2, Britain the ruling state in the world, gave way to the USA to be the next ruling state in the world, will this next war make the USA which is the current ruling state in the world, give way to Israel, then next new ruling state in the world?
Will the False Messiah rule the world from Jerusalem and bring about Israel’s golden age thereby successfully claiming to be the real Jewish messiah who achieved what the real messiah Jesus (PBUH) seemingly failed to do during his first trip to earth?
Very impressive...just what Imran Hosein has been speaking about.